Disclaimer: This is a Story of ‘Love, Life and Hope’ – The Characters are not fictitious , they are real. All events are factual!
In October 2007, an ambitious young Economist wanted to make it big in the Corporate World. Many a Job Interview kept bringing her to the City of Bangalore in Karnataka, India.
While she was scouting out for prospective jobs, the rest of the family just like any other ‘Indian’ family at that point was looking out for the perfect groom for her but Jeeva could not care less although she earnestly prayed that when the time was right and the right person came along she should be told or rather she should know.
To cut the long story short she happened to meet Deepak Abraham in a store called ‘FabIndia’ she could not bother when introduced to him …all she said was a ‘Hi’.
Then of course she met this so-called ‘Deepak’ again but this time when she was asked if she wanted to help out teaching kids at a Church Hostel where the boys needed help and were from disadvantaged backgrounds and could not afford any kind of extra tuition.
There she saw Deepak passionately teaching these boys Math, Physics and Chemistry. Things just stood still for sometime. Suddenly this partially bald, software engineer( techies she could not stand!!!), non musically inclined, introvert, non – Malayalam speaking guy seemed extremely attractive. She kept feeling that she was told this is the guy.
In her mind she didn’t want to think that this is what ‘Her Lord had in store for her’. She went back that day and she was like ‘ wasn’t this church I kept seeing every night in my dreams for the past 2 weeks’…confused all she could do was pray.
She exchanged a few phone conversations with him. There was nothing romantic about them because ‘Deepak’ kept snoring after 10 mins into the conversation. He used to snooze away while talking and the snores would vary from a baritone to a tenor.
All this while she kept praying and her biggest prayer warrior and partner in crime, her youngest sister kept praying with her.
One fine day – Deepak and Jeeva discussed about future goals, vision, their faith in Jesus Christ and on the same day Jeeva asked the Lord for a sign to confirm if Deepak was his idea. The sign was confirmed when Deepak asked her what were her plans for marriage. She said the official hunt was on but she hadn’t met anyone who she thought was the right person. Deepak asked her ‘Do you fancy marrying me’ and her mind went ( Oh Lord, this is you, isn’t it?) and she said ‘Yes’ but we should pray. So for the next 2 weeks they prayed. Jasmine prayed for them so did GK and fly.
Finally they knew it was ‘Divine’ decision because they were so peaceful and it was an answer to their prayers for a Life Partner.
Like dutiful Indian children they told their parents.
Jeeva’s and D ‘s parents had this to ask – Are you sure? You hardly have met or known each other? isn’t it too fast?
Best was Jeeva’s mom – He can’t sing nor can he play the Guitar!!!! Jeeva said – ‘ Yes, Amma he can’t but he is everything else I think I should have in a life partner’.
Voila the whole arranged marriage ritual happened..The families approved of each other’s families and extended families. Like all Syrian Christians thankfully our forefathers were well-known and respected in society so we did not have a problem with family name dropping;) The only difference here it was ‘ Cherakan kannal’ instead of ‘Penn Kannal’ as in the Guy was checked out not the girl…so the Guy here came with a tray of juice a little different from the tray of tea…Lol!!!!
Then on April 18th, 2009 they got married in the Church Jeeva dreamt about half of 2007, a church she had never seen except in her dreams.
It was not Happpily Ever After for them. Both of them Fell sick in their first year of marriage. They did not really know what was wrong with them except for the fact that they were stressed, depressed, tired…and a whole lot of other things!! Not knowing what to do all they did was pray and pray and pray more. On bended knee they tried to save their marriage which according to them was because of ‘Divine Intervention’ now they were questioning especially Jeeva if the decision she made was correct.
Finally in 2010 all the prayers were answered they got to know what bothered them . Jeeva was diagnosed Celiac and Deepak found refuge in the fact that all he needed was to sort out things in his life and not be bogged down by Repetitive Strain Injury or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Moral of the Story: Do not please be sWAyed by Romcoms, Fairytales and a whole load of crap you see on TV or in the movies.
Real Love, Real Marriage is about Two people who share a common vision, common faith and agree to understand each other and also make a choice to Love.
THe physical appearances are not of utmost important. Jeeva was highly obese when she met Deepak who was almost getting bald. Jeeva was an extrovert, singer, quizzer and a whole lot of other things Deepak was not. Never in Jeeva’s wildest dreams did she imagine she would marry someone like Deepak Abraham.
But her Lord knew better and He said – ‘He is Perfect for you, my Child’ Trust me I know what is best for you!
So we believed in Him and He has remained faithful.
Congrats to Us as we celebrate 5 years of being ‘Engaged’ and look forward to more miracles and lessons Our Lord is going to teach us.
“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
Ecclesiastes 4:12
adi poli story
🙂 Thanks bro
Lovely Jeevz! – Sandra
Made my day! 😉
That’s great to know Shashi!
Thanks Sandra!
Very beautifully written Jeeva. And it is your story, for real! Thank you so much for sharing. I am truly blessed. Yes, marriage is NOT even 1% fairy tale, but living joyously the predestined plan, which in the end is THE BEST. You had even shared with me while we prayed together seeking God’s will. Praise the Lord. Every love story He writes is the best. Love you Jeeva. May he continue leading you like this and even more.
Thanks Jeena, Yes you said it right. Thanks for all the prayers, miss talking to people so openly. Thank you for really being a Sister in Him. God bless , hope to see you sometime.